About us
Referral Line: 08000 84 83 82
With one 'phone call to the freephone Referral Line "08000 84 83 82" a clinician can source clinical advice on the management of a critically ill child, a PICU bed and a transport team as needed. In addition, NWTS Administrators, at the time of referral, can co-ordinate a tele-conference call with relevant spealist team(s) as required, eg Cardiology, Neurosurgery. The Service also provides clinical advice to Medical and Nursing staff on the management of critically sick children before they need Paediatric Intensive Care.
The Administrators ensure the Referral Line is open 24/7. They are your first point of contact, and provide essential clerical support to the Service. Please be mindful that you will be required to provide patient information to the Administrator before they can connect you to the clinical team.
To contact a member of the Team:
General Telephone: 01925-853550
EMail: info@nwts.nhs.uk
Referral Line: 08000-84-83-82
Fax No: 01925-853565
North West and North Wales Transport Service
Room 005 Newton House
Farraday Street
Birchwood Park